Yes it can however if you've already taken your tax free lump sum then you'll need to set it to 0%.
There could be many reasons for this, there might be bugs in this calculator or the other one you're using. Remember, the information shown on this site is just a guide and you should always consult a financial advisor who will have far superior tools to forecast your retirement. If you'd like to speak to a highly recommended financial advisor click here.
We can't give financial advice so can't help you unfortunately. However, we can put you in touch with an expert retirement planner. Click here for details.
The website is updated when the UK Government updates tax bands, pension laws etc, a bug is fixed or when new functionality is released. The website was last updated on 15 Mar 2023 @ 22:35 (GMT).
Send us a message through the contact page and we'll do our best to fix it!
I'm afraid we don't, sorry! If you're found a bug please check out our Found a bug page.